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How to Get Unstuck from Karmic Patterns: Core Wound of Karma

5 core wounds Jul 23, 2024


If you're finding yourself stuck in the same patterns, loops, or cycles, you may have a Karma Core Wound to heal.

The 5 Core Wounds of Humanity are the root cause of every single ailment, block or illness experienced on this planet. In this series, we're unpacking each of the 5 Core Wounds in more detail and sharing some tips for how to heal them.

In this episode, I am unpacking the core wound of Karma:

  • What Karma actually is (the good and the bad)
  • The signs and physical symptoms that show up if you have a Karma wound
  • How your life is SUPPOSED to look without Karma
  • And where to go next if you do have a Karma wound to clean up

Resources mentioned in this episode:

  • AKASHIC RECORDS: Watch my Akashic Records Masterclass and tune into my Accessing Your Akashic Records guided meditation on my Youtube channel
  • YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF MASTERCLASS: Learn my signature Rapid Clearing Technique and how to find the core root of any issue and begin unwinding it with confidence, intention, and purpose. 
  • CRACKING THE HEALING CODE QUIZ: Discover which of these 5 core wounds is the actual core root of your problems and holding you back the most. Take the FREE QUIZ to find out!