How to Make Money Online as a Healer
Jun 25, 2021When things shut down in 2020, a lot of people had their livelihoods taken away. And one of the things a lot of us learned since then is if we are relying on only one stream of income and on having the ability to serve people in-person, it's not always the safest bet. Especially in a fast evolving world.
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We’ve talked a little bit about how abundance of wealth is shifting to the helpers (read about it in my blog post "Can Healers Make Money? Tipping the Scales of Abundance to the Helpers") and how we are stepping into this period of time where, when you have the keys for being able to take somebody from something they're struggling with, a problem they're going through, and get them to the other side where they are now thriving and able to support others through that thing too, that's what we mean by the wealth and abundance is transferring to the helpers.
But in order to line up with the abundance shift, we have to start showing up and being a helper in the way we planned before we came here.
So today we’re sharing 3 ways as a Healer that you can show up online to be able to bring your practice into the digital world, reach more people, potentially make more money and give yourself a beautiful foundation for the kind of life you want to live.
These 3 ways I’m going to talk about today are exactly what I've done to take our company from zero to making multiple six figures every year since year one, and this year we’re heading into the millions as a company with a team of over 20.
So I know it’s possible and you can do it all while serving and keeping people and their transformation at the heart of what you do.
That also means if you don't want to be a gigantic empire, this still applies to you. You can take these tips and use them in whatever way feels good and in alignment with the way that you serve and the lifestyle that you want to have.
That's going to be really, really key for you guys to look at, that as long as you are focusing on service first, you can grow as big and beautifully as you want to.
I started with small in-person women’s circles a couple times a month, and then I took those circles online, which meant I could invite more people than my living room would hold and invite people from farther away than driving distance, too. And then my circles grew to having an online course that I taught for about 20 weeks in a row, to now having a membership community and all of these other courses and options that we are able to offer now.
But I didn’t start with all those things we have now. I started with one intuitive development circle.
And I think as we talk about these different ideas today, I would love for you to just tune in to what might be available to you with what you already know and understand and what knowledge you can share now, and start there.
Interested in hosting Sacred Circles but don't know where to start? Grab my free Get Started Leading Circles Guidebook here.
Here are 3 ways to take your healing business online:
1. Take your readings, healing sessions, intuitive life coaching, or your mentorship online.
You can do one-on-one sessions, couples or family sessions, small group tarot or mediumship reading parties... virtually anything you do in-person can be also done online either over the phone or with online meeting software like Zoom.
And the amazing thing about it is you can meet with people all over the world, which is a fantastic way to connect with different people going through different things and you get to know so much about what is happening on this beautiful place called Earth and can tap into the vibrations of things happening literally everywhere, and that is super cool.
2. Create a pre-recorded digital course.
You pour a ton of love and attention and energy into building this course one time, and when someone signs up, they get access to it. And you don't necessarily have to be there while they work through the content. Although you could attach some kind of support to it, that's an option.
But your pre-recorded course can be a beautiful partially passive income stream because you did it once and now it's live on the internet forever or until you choose to take it down.
We have a couple of these pre-recorded courses. A good example of that is our Healer, Clear the Way program where I teach students how to access the Akashic Records and how to clean them up so they aren’t living from the trauma cycles of their past lives anymore. We spent about 3-4 weeks getting the lessons recorded and assembling the workbooks and other resources for it back in 2019 and people are still finding it and buying it today.
Here’s how I know when I'm ready and what to teach in a pre-recorded digital course:
- I create the digital course from a topic that I could teach in my sleep, that I have been teaching consistently to a live group of people over and over again. I know the content inside and out, which tells me it's the right time to pre-record and put it into a sequence with resources and activities for the lessons.
- Alternatively, we also pre-record any content that people need to be able to access it any time in their journey with us. So for example inside our own membership Community called the Healers Rising Academy there are a number of pre-recorded video lessons that are the core concepts in the foundational trainings that everybody in the community needs to know to succeed with all of the other things we’re teaching, and so we make sure that those core concepts are accessible and available inside the membership.
Number 3: Teach live online classes, courses, or masterminds.
An example of a live-taught program would be our D-Codes Level 1 and 2 programs. I show up every week for 90 minutes or so and teach on a specific topic. We provide an online group, resources and homework for the students to ask questions, get support, and deepen into the learning between classes.
A mastermind is where you're bringing a collective of people together and instead of being a teacher, you show up as more of a facilitator to guide the topics of conversation, and everyone in the group collaborates on solving problems and contributes to the collective growth.
An example of a mastermind in our company is our Launch Healers Mastermind, because I'm not necessarily teaching a whole lot of new content. Keeping the goals of the group in mind, the students work together to solve problems while learning and gaining the skills and information they need. And I’m there to guide the process.
Here’s the secret to delivering amazing live taught classes online: get the students signed up first before you create the course.
I know, it sounds crazy, but I create the course content as we go, and I'm not the only one who does this. All the big name digital course creators like my mentor James Wedmore and even my own coach, Amber, does this too.
Rather than building the course first, we toss the idea out to our communities and say, ‘Hey, if I was going to run a course on blah blah blah, would you be in?’ and what happens is you will have a whole portion of your community saying ‘OMG yes! This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for, this is everything I need! I would want it to include X Y Z!’ or ‘Nah, I don’t think so.’
Doing it this way is the best way to start because you have a live audience who is giving you live feedback to help you build it out and to correct it for the next time you teach it. And that's really important for creating a course that people actually want to sign up for that gets them the results they’re craving.
So that’s it! Three ways to get your healing business online today!
I would love for you to start brainstorming what could you deliver today, what could you teach, how can you support and then choose one of the options above that feels right for this offering. Then start building your audience and ask them if what you’ve come up with is something they might want. Take that feedback and run with it!
To find out when I release more content about starting and growing a healing practice, get on the list here!
xo, Caitlin