The Energy
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The mother wound is something that can affect us deeply for generations.
We all know the feeling of butting heads with our mom, not seeing eye to eye, or even yearning deeply for her approval, only to be criticized or shamed for our choices. From an evolutionary standpoint, being accepted, loved...
“I’ve already healed this ten bajillion times, why is it still coming up?”
I’ve been hearing this and similar statements from my clients and students a lot lately.
We’ve hit a new level, new devil in our spiral of healing where the actions we were getting looped into...
Feeling tired? This could be why.
Many of us are now straddling two timelines: the old that includes everything up until now and the New Earth timelines that are starting to unfold in real time and into the future.
Let me be clear: the "New Earth" is not on a different planet or in another...
Let’s talk about the paradigm of healing, for a hot minute.
I don’t know if you guys have noticed how compartmentalized in thought, and teaching, healing has become.
What’s really interesting to me is that the way our metaphysical environment has been built is really no...
Last week I was a cranky B.
And none of my usual fixes were working. Not yoga, not walking in nature, not even sniffing my essential oils. Nothing was moving it.
Anyone else?
This "crankiness" is typical for me when on a global scale we're about to do a big timeline jump. It also happens when a...
The students in the Healers Rising Academy were asking some fantastic questions last week, and our Galactic friends had fascinating (and in some cases, strongly worded) perspectives to share with us.
The majority of the channeled messages below are from various representatives of councils within...
This spring is stirring up some very uncomfortable feelings for a lot of us.
It’s like the things that were giving us those purposeful highs, the pieces that were giving people the ability to feel like they were part of a movement or something bigger, it's like all of those realities...
Feathers, pennies, faces in fire and trees, clouds that look like UFOs... are these signs or something else?
We've all seen the websites and charts that list...
The Earth School metaphor is widely talked about in the meta world. And yet, it's not entirely true. I know, it shocked me when I discovered it myself!
But as soon as I did, all the awareness I had been struggling for for why my clients and students weren't experiencing freedom in their...
A Gift From the Drivers
Dear Starchild,
Today you wake from a haze that has enslaved your mind and slowed your body. In your hands, we place this hologram filled with all you need to know about your magic, and ours, so that you may help to usher in the better tomorrows. You must remember how...
Spirituality and our Super-Conscious is not separate from Quantum Physics, nor is it separate from physicality.
Everywhere you look these days, there is conversation about how humanity is shifting from the "3D" to the "5D" (uh, where's 4?). Theories about how there are now two Earths - the new and...